Sunday, April 18, 2010

Things to do This Summer

-Lose Weight about 10-20 lbs.
(Need to be thinner before school starts again and because my big bro is getting married next May and I wanna look awesome in a formal dress and other things~ :P)
-Learn how to ride a bike
(Because I don't know how. X___X )
(Required for school. LOL)

-Find a part time job
-Be immortal in terms of schooling
-Learn to speak Japanese
(Preparation for next term's Jap class. ^___^ )
*Note: to add more when needed. LOL XD*


Karla said...

goodluck april! Kung may tanong ka sa Jap, you can always use my help. :>

DarkAngelSonic said...

@Karla: Thank you super~! Miss ko na ung kwentohan moments natin~ X___X :P hehehe sa uulitin. :D