Saturday, April 24, 2010

Thoughts while First Love by Utada Hikaru is playing...

I know I appear to be strong...
I appear to be independent...
I appear as if I can survive anything...
But I hope I won't have to sing this song...

~Utada Hikaru's First Love...~

To think the very next day you'll never think of me again...
To think that you'll be with someone else...
To be crying as I thought of you and singing this sad love song...
You'll always be in my heart and even when it hurts...
I don't want to forget you...
Because you're my first love and taught me how it is to love...
You are my first...
I know I won't forget you even if you go...

I maybe just another girl from the crowd...
I maybe just some girl you happen to meet...
We both don't know if we'll end up together for very long...
But I know I'd want to hold on to you...
I want to spend time with you...
I'd like to keep you and not give you to just anyone...
I want you to know that I love you and I care about you...
For now till for forever...

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Things to do This Summer

-Lose Weight about 10-20 lbs.
(Need to be thinner before school starts again and because my big bro is getting married next May and I wanna look awesome in a formal dress and other things~ :P)
-Learn how to ride a bike
(Because I don't know how. X___X )
(Required for school. LOL)

-Find a part time job
-Be immortal in terms of schooling
-Learn to speak Japanese
(Preparation for next term's Jap class. ^___^ )
*Note: to add more when needed. LOL XD*

Thinking for a While...

Because sometimes I can't say it right...
And sometimes I can't show it well...
(How I feel and how I want to keep you...)
But every time I have the chance I'd think of you and miss you...
I suddenly go blank and things start to go to my head--
About what if's and what would be's...
Even wondering if you're doing the same...
Or what maybe going on in your head...

Sometimes I get confused--
Sometimes I don't know what to do...
I don't really know what exactly you think of me...
And I'm sure I don't know if you'll stay till the end...
Though I maybe right here and you're over there...
I want to be by your side when you need me.
I want to be near you when you are sad--
And hold you tight when you're in despair.

I don't know how to show or tell you...
I'm serious when I said it...
I love you and I want you to be my first and last...
Cause I know you're the most awesome guy that I know...
I'm lucky to have you... :)